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The book that started it all. A beginning book like you have never seen before. Slow pace, lots of repetition, many fun songs, and lots of assessment. Start your beginners off right
The second book in our series. Geared toward students who are progressing past the first year. Same great format: slow pace, lots of repetition, many recognizable classical melodies, and lots of assessment. Help your students reach that next level
Book three in the series. This book is geared toward advancing middle school students and presents more advanced concepts like 3/8 and 6/8. Continuation of the format from the previous books: slow pace, lots of repetition, many classical melodies, and lots of assessment. Help push your advancing students along.
Ever ask yourself this question: "what book do I go to after the third book in any method series?" Tough question, right? Not anymore! This book is in a unique format that features: a consistent set of skills on every page. Each page is set up the same way with skills that are essential to your very advanced middle school students or high school students. Stop dreading that next book!
The only book that follows NY State exact guidelines for sight-reading material. 32 examples of each of manuals six levels for a total of 92 examples. Available for all winds, percussion, strings and voice (SATB.) Help your students get ready for their next audition or solo festival!